Network Security Tools
Dynamic security intelligence helps you stay one step ahead of attacks
Security Operations Suite
Fight back against attackers. Strengthen security operations with Keysight's SecOps tools. Simulate attacks, reduce alert fatigue, and prove you're safer than you were yesterday.
Network Security Test
Ensure the highest-performing security for your network and applications.
BreakingPoint VE Virtual edition of Breaking Point to validate the security posture of your networks with real applications and a complete range of threat vectors |
BreakingPoint QuickTest Turn-Key performance and security testing to validate devices and network security with real-world applications and threat vectors |
BreakingPoint Cloud A SaaS cybersecurity monitoring platform with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack simulation |
TrafficREWIND Translate production network traffic into real traffic stimulus for BreakingPoint tests |
CyPerf Validate security and performance of hybrid / cloud infrastructures with industry-first cloud-native, elastic test application |
IOT Security Test
Ensure the highest-performing security for your network and applications.
IOT Security Assessment Validate the security posture of your networks with real applications and a complete range of threat vector |
Application and Threat Intelligence
Understand which applications are running on your network and ensure no rogue applications are hijacking your bandwidth.
AppStack Advanced intelligence and application-level visibility |
Application and Threat Intelligence Subscription Continuous real-time data feeds to ensure current application and threat intelligence at all times |
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