Low Voltage Differential Probes
- Bandwidth up to 33 GHz Easily
measure differential signals
- Low input capacitance: down
to < 0.3 pF
- High common mode rejection
ratio (CMRR)
- Wide range of probe tips
High Voltage Differential Probes
- Dynamic range to ± 6000 B
- Bandwidth up to 200 MHz
- Most extensive set of probe
Current Probes
- Easy to use and accurate AC/
DC current measurements
- DC up to 2 GHz
- Amplitude measurements from
1 mA to 2,000 A
- Split core and solid core

Passive Probes
- Best-in-class bandwidth up to
1 GHz
- Best-in-class input
capacitance as low as 3.9 pF which minimizes probe loading effects
- Dynamic range to 300 V CAT II
- Rugged and reliable
Low Voltage Single-ended Probes
- Bandwidth up to 4 GHz
- True signal reproduction and
- Low input capacitance: down
to < 0.8 pF
- Small compact probe heads
for probing small
High Voltage Single-ended Probes
- Bandwidth up to 800 MHz
- Dynamic range to 2.5kV
- Best-in-class probe loading with input capacitance as low
as 1.8 pF
- Broad Wavelength Response
500 to 950 nm or 1100 to 1700 nm
- High-bandwidth DC up to 1.2
- High Gain 1 V/mW
- Low Noise <11 pW/√Hz
Carrying Cases and Accessories
- TekVPI Interface Adapter for
TekProbe probes
- Probe holders and positioners
- Probe power supply
- Soft- and hard-sided cases